Archive for May, 2011

don’t ask anymore

May 25, 2011

mes amis,

it is with a heavy heart that i write this. i will no longer be doling out advice or witticisms on a weekly basis as a guest blogger on G.L.O.C.

just ask kippy is dead. the comedy world has spoken! and so i will be silent.

c’est la. c’est triste. mais c’est la.

a bientot,


May 21, 2011

amici miei,

greetings from la strada, the road. I beam in on my iCeCream truck. allora, last night my gentleman friend said, “won’t you feel silly if the world ends tomorrow?” to which this kippy replied, “i most certainly will. the bus to dc is the 8th circle of hell… making dc the 9th!”

…not dead yet,

ones @ eleven, connie chung, and puns

May 19, 2011

mes amis,

i don’t want to understate the importance of this event. but this friday may 20, 2011 at 11pm a very special person with whom i am intimately acquainted will be presenting a story as part of the ones @ eleven series at the solonova festival (hosted at ps 122). in short, it will be the event of the year.

just look at these cute toots!

allora…quoi d’autre? this morning i was riding the gondola to the office-where0i-sometimes-work and spotted a connie chung look alike. just like that! there she was. all hair spray and eighties chic. or was it more early nineties? this kippy is too pooped to do the requisite recherche. but doesn’t time sure fly? or, as they say in italiano: non ci sono piu i mezi stagioni. there are no longer the middle seasons! let us pause to consider that pesky latin phrase peppered on grave stones throughout beantown cemetaries: fugit hora memento mori: time flies, remember you are mortal. or, more literally: the hour flees, remember you are mortal.

anyway, seeing this doppleganger made me wonder: what ever happened to connie chung? is she still news casting? i always did appreciate that poofed hairstyle—even if rather labor intensive. perhaps this kippy will take a cue! it’s time for a hairy change. then again i don’t think i could ever do a serious fortress against learning as was so popular some 20 years ago. i mean, how could i live with myself?

i’m off to kazakhstan demain and need to get my beauty rest. report on the bowbies coming soon!


ps last night i dreamt of the recent pun contest i sadly did not attend. in the dream, a contestant was asked to name the punniest day of the week and the contestant responded “WASPensday” (as in wednesday). i was aghast/impressed and secretly rued the fact that i could never create such a pun. then, only upun waking… did i realize that i had indeed thought of that pun because it was in my dream after all. hmph!

classical musique, baseball, and cupcakes

May 13, 2011

my friends and fellow citizens,

apparently my ruminations on relating opera to baseball have stirred a thinker’s thoughts! yes, mes amis, david lang opinionates in the nytimes on some correlations between the baseball arts and classical music spots. admittedly his analysis is bit more lengthy, articulate, and classical music focused. (i like his allusions to immigration and comparing past to present.)

but kippy said it first! (well, sort of.)

allora, quoi d’autre? has the backlash against cupcakes happened yet? this kippy is getting impatient. the other day some young couple in love told me how excited they were that a cupcake storefront was moving into their industrial neighborhood. first come the cupcakes then come the young professionals!

they are like guppies, those yuppies, to cupcakes.

guppies line up at magnolia in nyc

and might i say that most cupcakes these days (not made from a box) have a distressing frosting to cake ratio? too much frosting that sits in a chunk! you can’t just slab it on, the frosting should caress the cake it rests atop…! i may be svelte, but my sweet tooth is more than in tact—in fact, it is just a discerning one! cupcake sellers, please correct this saccharine ratio.


one last thought: the cake of a cupcake is all too often dry and crumbly. the cupcake should have the same moisture as a proper cake, but in different form! hmph! ooh and don’t get me started on (over)pricing!

this weekend i am off to my homeland. the town of beans. beantown. i cannot wait to hear the dear accents that marked my childhood, to ride on the rambling subway, and to eat tasty vittles that tickle the tastebuds.

a bientot!

john roberts! die walküre! nude shoes!

May 10, 2011

friends and frenemies,

in belated honor of mother’s day i wanted share with you two videos from one of my idols of artists: john roberts. i believe this one, “my son is gay,” was made first:

and this one, more blatently about mother’s day, second:

genie, no? john roberts you have a fan in the funnies and her name is kippy winston!

quoi d’autre? saw die walküre the other evening at the met. though i snoozed through quite a good portion of it (my eyelids were heavier than my will…to power! thanks nietzsche!), i thoroughly enjoyed all moments when my eyes and ears were on high alert. the drama! the passion! i do believe this kippy might become a serious opera fan one day. for the theatricality of something as absurd as opera… is so stylized… so outre… that i cannot but somehow believe it more than these kitchen sink, willy nilly “theatre” plays, which grovel in realism and in which actors use their ‘actor’ voices and not their human ones. hmph!

moreover having a nice doze and then awaking to rousing dramatic action reminds me of my days spent in beantown cheering for those once hopeless (now hope-filled!) red sox. observe.

on to other topics: have you noticed the nude trend?

nude footwear is every-ware! (probably fashion magazines have ‘dipped their toes’ into this topic, but i cannot be bothered reading those rags. too much life to live!) i do recall in previous years being quite averse to any vetment of a human shade, though i now find it quite elegant especially on les pieds. could this be because i myself own not one, but two nude shades of chasseurs? it’s a kippy conundrum, but one well worth exploring!

speaking of shopping, i am finding it rather difficile to stick to my new year’s resolution of not shopping for clothing. what a silly thing to have thought! my spring wardrobe is entirely lackluster. perhaps i will have to pop over to target at some point this season or go to a vintage shop in an out-of-the-way town or city.

yours in kippyland!

tante ma tante cose

May 5, 2011

mes amis,

i am not sure where to begin. for the world is changing quickly before our eyes! how embarrassing to be in a cab and hear the radio reporting how some people are celebrating a certain death. how crass. and yet, what can this kippy do? only observe human folly, i suppose! certainly my hero, bill cunningham, would never celebrate another human being’s death. rather, i imagine he would pray to higher g-ds in hopes of a brighter future.


quoi d’autre? i hate getting to political so allow me to introduce you to a fabulous ditty. listen here

catchy no?

ce soir, i’ll be making an appearance at at 3LD in honor of the TEAM benefit…or ‘benie’ as i like to say! i hear those half straddle gals are doing a medly of football plays complete with poms. one particularly pale insider even told me a new cheer has been devised in honor of a play titled “the gremlin.” i can only imagine!

in other topics, today is thursday and therefore i have doled out some sound advice here.

ah yes and save the date! a tale tale about mr. trump will be told late in the evening on may 20. have a campari and get ready for amusement (and perhaps an amuse bouche too!)

ciao for now,