Archive for December, 2011

hell is other people // festival of lights // the fates

December 21, 2011

mes amis

1. hell is other people

as we all know hell is other people. thanks, jean paul sartre for this fine summation of what it is like to live life on earth! allora, i was most reminded of this fine quote the other day when i was on the metro system. (just what metropolis will have to remain a mystery!)

check out the sinage

with pain in my tum, and two tacos awaiting my voracious consumption, i moved to sit down. a snippity lady stood in my way though, taking my spot, and making me move to another post in a row of well bundled new yorkers (oops! gave my locale away).

va bene.

it was the L train if you must know.

the line best known for its strapphangers with asymetrical haircuts and unattractive facial hair

the snippity lady started flipping through pages of a magazine. time out new york, i’ll have you know, whose information is not nearly as dire as say the pages of my beloved new york. oh my! how the pages flipped. more like snapped. i thought she might tear a page off! there were then some huffs and puffs.

meanwhile, the older gentleman next to me took out a tin tub of burt’s bees wax hand cream. he opened up the tin and started greasing up his hands with the stuff. i comiserated silently. yes it is winter. and i too suffer from an unsupple hand but oh! must we wax up in the subway? it was called olive oil hand wax or some such repulsive notion.

snap! went a magazine page.

the man reached back in his bag for more wax. the poor soul!and so it went. snap! sigh. wax on. sigh. wax off. snap!

2. festival of lights

my friends and cohorts–i went to the most impromptu and delightful festival of lights soiree hier soir! oh my! could the etymology of soiree have to do with soir? i must investigate. so much for an early morning soiree! allora, much of the part had already happened so my companion and i provided a bit of fresh blood. though i was full from a gluten free feast, i munched on about 10 latkes (ok maybe just two) and ladled them with sour cream and apple sauce. ooh divinity!


what’s more, we then played a rowdy came of latke bingo. too many menorahs and dreidels to count! not to mention my favorite image which we called “elegant candles” with you guessed it. ooh and the rainbow menorah was good too. made me reflect fondly on the penguin menorah of my youth.

deja vu? this kippy has used this image before.

i look forward to the continuation of this festival of lights and am pleased it overlaps with the evergreen fur tree holiday. hmph!

i love a cartoon tree

3. the fates

my friends. just yesterday i was organizing and arranging some domestic affairs and unearthed the postcard of  the bill cunningham documentary. what a tender joy it was to rediscover i still had it! naturally i put it on display. then, as fates would have it, i got a late evening text from a dear soul who was watching that very film! enraptured, and with a face wet from tears, i can only imagine his heart, like mine, swelled with love as the film unfolded.

he who seeks beauty will find it!




December 19, 2011

my friends and foes–

i will be spending the holi-daze in a nation of aliens. that is, in an alien-nation.

in lieu of gifts you can just make a peace symbol from earth.


take down your hair

December 16, 2011

fellow citizens–

reading about the punk concert that was disbanded in indonesia made me so sad. perhaps the authorities should watch glee. i bet they’d then have a better understanding/reminder of how teens like to express themselves. let the young people dance to to the punk music! let them wear their hair long!

the police shaved the poor punks heads!

you know what else this makes me think of? this:

experiementing in art

too bad i have not over come my art experimenting ways. i am far past my salad days!

ciao for now,

una bibliotecha tanto bella: la bapst at boston college

December 15, 2011

amici miei

it was with considerable consternation (and anticipation) that i clicked through flavorwire’s listing of the 25 most beautiful college libraries in the world.

i may poke fun of my alma matter ogni tanto. sure we have living quarters called the mods where good ideas go to perish.

the mods of boston college

they were built in the 50s as temporary housing units and intended to be destroyed. so much for building!

nevertheless, if you know me, you understand i possess a deep rooted, perhaps irrational, hometown pride for my beloved “high school on the hill” as one pundit put it. boston college may have a good deal of coeds interested in cohabitation and beer–but it also boasts a strong student body committed to social justice, free thinking and of course philo-sophia that the love of wisdom, i cherish so dearly.

plato is my brother

imagine my continual irk as i kept clicking and spotted other less lovely libraries in such far flung places as england, portugal, and–the most exotic of all–berkeley california. (the ugliest indeed, in this kippy’s estimation. more like jerk-ley!)

imagine my crestfall computer-lit face as i came to slide 24 and clicked in hopeful anticipation to see my beantown school. and there it was. dear old bapst. i nearly let out a cheer.

dear old bapst a gothic delight

no–i never studied in this place. it was too stodgy, cold, and ill-lit for my tastes. moreover, it was just too pretty a place in which to focus! i preferred the o’neill. a functional locale where i could plop myself and my brain (and my books)  in front of a large second floor window and stare out longingly at the skyline of my beloved home city in the distance. oh youth!

no caption needed! boston speaks for itself

allora. that’s all for today. that and this bizarre statement about how theatre of the absurd is dead. hm! absurd indeed. i disagree entirely.

ciao for now,

bar of soap

December 14, 2011

mes amis–

some scattered thoughts on a willy nilly free wheeling wednesday.

i have returned to using a bar of soap to wash my hands in my homestead.
and i am most pleased at this return to simplicity.
does a body–and a mind–good.

i have determined that this might be the catchiest song of all time

there are many other things to think and discuss and ruminate on.
but this kippy’s got a lunch date!
donc: ca suffit for le moment.


good lawd! where has 2011 gone?

December 2, 2011

mes amis–

il y a beaucoup de temps that i do not write. i have no good excuse other than that life is for the living! my favorite holiday–thanksgiving–has come and gone. along with a half birthday and world aids day. but fret not. to tide over both friends and foes i have put together a holiday wish list.

but kippy, kippy winston,” you cry, “what holiday do you celebrate?

my reply? festivus, of course!

1. a time keeping device for my wrist please. swatch would do but i do quite the offerings from alessi.

alessi watch

2. time! that is, free time. please. spent with you. preferably. look at these students enjoying free time with each other.

people enjoying free time!

3. beauty. that is, art work. below i have put a good option from the fine people at 20×200.

good for gluten free art viewers!

4. an end to all nose bleeds! a start to working with agencies! a start to working with magazine you see in the image above! a moratorium on obligation theatre viewing! a birth of language learning and helping those less fortunate than myself! a splotch-stop on solipsistic thinking!

new harmony utopia

5. pretty much anything from this website and the book i ordered from a few weeks ago that has yet to arrive. most irksome!

"toilet time" will flush dec. 12 at 7.30 at dixon place.

also: i would like to know who had been futzing and redesigning the google website. i am sure there was a reason for this at one time or another but as a user of free content i must say: nobody asked me!

a bientot mes amis. i promise to be better behaved when next week meet across the interwebs.