Archive for February, 2009

cross your arms and say a prayer

February 18, 2009

My friends and colleagues.

It pains me greatly that the seminal (and germinal!) Rivington Arms recently folded its arms. Nevertheless, I am cheered that my associate Greg Portz has opened his own art gallery…online…on Facebook. Note his photo experiement about perception and vision.

glasses1 tina-glasses

Rivington Arms was singular. But there’s something about Portz’s renegade, can-do attitude that tells me young artists will always thrive. Such esprit in the face of our times is admirable… even as the economy goes to the wolves.

…and speaking of wolves. Please check out Half Straddle‘s The Knockout Blow at HERE Arts Center this weekend. It’s a fine piece of theatre. I’m even told that such blogebrities as David Cote and George Hunka (what a hunka!) may be writing tributes. More to come.

I leave you will a modern day wolf-ette.


the Arctic

February 5, 2009


As temperatures plummet, I find myself wanting to spend more time indoors. But after recently purchasing a pair of moon boots, I suddenly had the urge to brave snowey conditions and walk (more like moon walk!) to my local watering hole that was having a name night. Free drinks? Hilarious wall quotes? What’s not to heart?

Antarctica Bar… I love you.



PS That show I was doing publicity for over the summer, The Knockout Blow, is getting remounted (pun intended!). Please come and check it out. and
